The Projectionist
Early December I worked on a short film called The Projectionist it is an adaption of a couple scenes in Annie Baker’s play The Flick (which is a brilliantly written play that I HIGHLY recommend).
Aside from this being a killer script, having an amazing scene partner, and a great crew I learned a little something worth sharing. The DP is a director that doesn’t HAVE to interact with actors. But you want to interact with them - they are the one with the camera (they can make you look like trash) so be nice.
Anyway the tip - Most short film or lower budget projects don’t have stand-ins on set so stick around. When they are changing the shot or even the scene, (if you’re in the next shot) be there. It’s helpful - they get to find the right angle because you can slyly stand or sit in your starting position. And they can figure out lighting - which is important (especially if your black…you kind of want to be seen). But yes, I stuck around because I figured anything I would be doing in another room, I can do here. Don’t be obnoxious about it or in the way. A light linger can be helpful and move the process along.
They find the right stuff and you’ll look great (most likely)…