

To be here? 

I feel as if “living presently”, connecting, “being here” is all the rage these days. Tap “Do Not Disturb”. Silence the phone. Meditate. Paper only. We are offered these things - we do these things - in an effort to connect. In efforts to reconnect with the people that are actually around us, with our environments, with our experiences, with our work, with ourselves. 

I deleted my Facebook and Instagram a couple months ago. 

And while there are many reasons to #quitsocialmedia: 

A Fictional Forum 



Inflated Expectations 

Numbness to reality



Growth of contempt towards ideas, people, and cultures different from your own 

An echo chamber 


Missed Information 

The overflow of “Information” 

Devaluing of your experiences 

Devaluing of your privacy 

Devaluing of your time 

Devaluing of your energy 

The gross valuing of validation from external sources 

“Following” people you don’t like 

“Following” people you do like 

Faux vulnerability 

It’s not real. 

…I’m sure that someone out there has generated a list of “pros” that can exceed my stream of “cons”… but still, I backed away. 

I am aware of the detriment it may have on my career, the opportunities, the discoveries, the connections that may be lost. 

I am aware of the detriment it may have on my relationships, the accessibility of communication, the (empty) check in, and possible RE-connections. 

However, I felt as if I was losing my thoughts. 

As I was having a conversation with a friend, while I listened to them - it seemed as if they were talking in “posts” - rarely did they stumble into an idea or thought of their own - it was just statement after statement. There was nothing at risk, no experiences, or narratives carrying their ideas, just a regurgitation of someone else’s “thoughts”. 

I worried the same thing was happening to me. Social media isn’t as overtly poisonous as other vices. The platform is skillfully pernicious, it disguises it’s attacks with nostalgia, memories, the things you should care about right now, funny videos, cute moments, filters, art, tips and tricks. 

This isn’t a rant about why people should quit social media. That’s not my intention, at least. 

I hope for focus, specificity, intentionality - not only in the work I create but also in the spaces and people I choose to grow in and around. 

This is a sharing of an experiment - of an experience… So far so good. I’ll keep you posted.

Kyle Fox Douglas