Physical Acting Workshop


This class was something very new and challenging. This was a month long course in Grotowski-based training, we learned and practiced the cat, corporels, and plastiques.

Erica Fae was the instructor and her mentor/former student of Grotowski, Stephen Wangh did a Q&A at the end of the course. It was a liberating experience, no text, no scene work, no rehearsals - just your body and your mind. You are forced to confront yourself, deal with all of your critical, sensual, and frustrating thoughts. The workshop is another way in - a way in which we are faced with tasks that we often avoid- actually understanding our body and being gentle with ourselves.

There were many words and phrases that we have abused or have loss their meaning. We addressed those words and phrases gave them new names so we can approach the work with a different mindset.

I hear there are lots of hits and misses when it comes to class in NY. I lucked out, I would highly recommend this class to anyone and everyone. That is another thing worth mentioning, the class was filled with librarians, singers, correctional officers, and of course actors. We all wanted the same thing more or less - to work with abandon, experience “newness” and face our judges.

Kyle Fox Douglas